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Student and Parent Resources

Below is a collection of useful resources that our parents, students, parents and families.

Papers regarding the Rotary Youth Exchange experience by Dennis White, Ph.D.

Dennis White has written a number of papers regarding the Rotary Youth Exchange experience and the challenges for both students and families.​  These are well worth the read and have many great ideas. A list and brief synopsis is provided below:


Purpose and the many benefits of an international excdhange.

Culture Shock

Most of us are familiar with the term "culture shock". We may think of it as the temporary disorientation that comes from being exposed to a different language, different customs, food, etc. What we don't often realize is that it is usually a rather profound reaction to fairly significant other differences; in the way people view the world, in the way they think and what they value. 

The Middle Wave of Culture Shock

Rotary Youth Exchange Students who departed for their host countries in late August are in the middle of their fourth month abroad around Christmas time. Despite the fact that most of them are having a very positive experience, this is a time when it is fairly typical for many of them to be experiencing a second “wave” of culture shock, longer and more difficult than that which they experienced upon arrival in their host country.

So You Think They’re Home Now - Reverse Culture Shock for Parents

They’re back! Your “kids” have come home, and the exchange program is over - or so you think!

So You Think You’re Home Again - Reverse Culture Shock for Students

Remember what it was like those first few weeks and months going abroad? It was new,

exciting, often confusing, and always changing. And while your whole year may have been

exciting, it wasn’t always pleasant.

Other Books and Papers

The Exchange Student Survival Kit, 3rd Edition: Advice for your International Exchange Experience - we strongly encourage reading this book by Bettina Hansel.  We would suggest borrowing the book from the library (or via online community or school library), or purchasing the online or Kindle version so that a student can reference it during their exchange without taking the book along.  We also ask that the student's parents consider reading this book too!  This is the Amazon link, but there may be alternative places to purchase.  Please purchase the most recent edition which may change in time.

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